Manage Users and User Groups

Applies to Collaborator 14.7, last modified on March 18, 2025

To perform administrative operations over the users of Collaborator server, use the UserService interface. It has methods for creating, editing and deleting users and user subscriptions.

To perform administrative operations over user groups, use the GroupService interface. It has methods for creating, editing and deleting groups, adding subgroups, adding users to groups, excluding users from groups and so forth.

To call any of the UserService or GroupService commands, the current user (that is a user who requests to run the command) must have administrator privileges on the Collaborator server.

Create new user

To create new user, we will call the UserService.create command. It has two obligatory parameters: login and password. Additionally you can enter the users full name (fullName), phone number (phone), email (email) and specify whether it will be an active user (enabled) and whether the user will have administrative privileges (admin).


   {"command" : "SessionService.authenticate",


    {"command" : "UserService.create", "args" : {

        "login" : "alice",

        "password" : "alice",

        "fullName" : "alice alice",

        "phone" : "345345345",

        "email" : "",

        "enabled" : "true",

        "admin" : "false"}



Add user to a group

To add a user to some existing group, we will call the GroupService.addUser command. The command has two parameters: a login of a user to be added (memberLogin) and group identifier (guid).


   {"command" : "SessionService.authenticate",


    { "command" : "GroupService.addUser",

        "args" : {

        "memberLogin" : "alice",

        "guid" : "549ce60e-ea35-46fb-9e39-54529a049abf" }



See Also

How To
Manage Reviews and Review Participants
Upload Review Materials

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